- Programmable power supplies test sonar system reliability
Active sonar emits acoustic pulses and listens for an echo to determine the location of objects in the sea, rivers or lakes. Some systems can remotely map…
- Marine information security systems utilise 3.4kW programmable power systems
Secure communication systems are required in a large number of applications, including maritime vessels. Cryptography, a computer science, ensures that confidential electronic messages can be sent and…
- 3-phase, 3000W power supply with MIL-STD shock and vibration selected for marine defence program
Marine defence power systems require testing to MIL-STD and Def-Stan tests for shock, vibration and EMI. Usually enclosed in a sealed cabinet, they have provision for battery…
- Rack mount power supplies used to degauss marine vessels
As ships and submarines sail across the ocean, their steel hulls become magnetised due to the earth’s magnetic field. This field can be detected and exploited by…
- Shipborne communication systems use redundant, hot-swap power supplies
Marine vessels sailing in remote ocean areas require high power, highly reliable radio systems for communication, with transmitter power levels measuring several kW. The potential downtime of…
- How programmable power supplies are used to degauss ships
On a regular or continuous basis, ships are degaussed to remove unwanted magnetism that has built up due to the earth’s magnetic field and on-board machinery. One…
- New ship-board sonar system uses programmable power supplies
Ships rely on sonar systems to detect underwater objects, both natural and man-made. When used for navigational purposes, the power supply has to be reliable as the…
- Paralleled power supplies for sonar application
In addition to sonar systems installed on surface ships, sonar is also fitted extensively on submarines and other submersible vessels. Navigation underwater is usually calculated using the…
- Traffic Control Systems
Marine and air traffic can be monitored and controlled utilising their radio transmissions, which is digitally processed and then portrayed in a format similar to a radar…
- Transmitter Radio
Transmitter radios are used throughout navies across the world; used for both voice and data, they are crucial to the marine industry. Thanks to TDK-Lambda’s excellent technical…