Test & Measurement (page 13)
- EV Battery Tester
Engineers are now using TDK-Lambda Genesys™ programmable DC power supplies in their test rack to simulate how the battery performs for an electric vehicle. The small size…
- Instrument Cluster Test Rig
Automotive Instrument Clusters undergo a demanding test regime to ensure high reliability. A manufacturer that assembles and tests these units is now using the TDK-Lambda Z+ programmable…
- Turbo-shaft Torque Testing System
A system for testing turbo shafts, which can be found in aircraft turbine engines, gas turbines and other turbo machinery, now uses the Z+ programmable DC power…
- Car Seat Test Rack
Car seats these days are electrically controlled to ensure optimum driving position and comfort for every driver. One particular car seat manufacturer uses the Genesys™ programmable power…
- Legionella Detector
The most common sources of Legionella and Legionnaires’ disease outbreaks are industrial cooling water systems, domestic hot water systems and, of course, spas. As the bacteria can…
- Spectrometer
Instruments for the study of fast biochemical reactions are used in R&D and university laboratories around the globe. These specialised spectrometers satisfy growing applications in areas such…
- Solar Power Test Rigs
A company that provides end-to-end solar power solutions which encompass power optimisers, PV inverters and remote module-level monitoring and fault detection in order to maximise the system…
- Solar Equipment
Genesys™ programmable power supplies from TDK-Lambda are delivering reliable power for a manufacturer of process, production and test equipment for the photovoltaic industry. The combination of excellent…
- Electric Car Test Rack
Test engineers are now using TDK-Lambda Genesys™ programmable DC power supplies in their test rack to simulate a new sub-system for a next-generation electric car. The technical…
- Data Acquisition System
The combination of a high technical specification at the right price led a manufacturer of data acquisition systems to select the TDK-Lambda GWS250 power supply. www.emea.lambda.tdk.com/uk/gws