Products (page 59)
- Residential LED Lighting Control
European regulations require external power supplies to be highly efficient and to have a low off-load power draw. It is for this reason that TDK-Lambda’s 150W DT-C…
- How does efficiency related to output power compare between the S and SA versions of PFE-SA power modules?
TDK-Lambda TDK-Lambda has introduced the PFE-SA power modules superseding the PFE-S series. This video compares the efficiency improvements, at different loads and input voltages, between the two…
- What are the levels of leakage and touch currents for ZMS100 power supplies?
As the medically certified ZMS100 can be operated as either a Class I or Class II power supply, TDK-Lambda explains in this video the specified maximum leakage…
- Can ZMS100 power supplies be used for class II equipment?
Class II equipment is now preferred in home healthcare equipment as a large percentage of homes in Europe and the US do not have a reliable ground…
- Digital Video TV Broadcasting
Equipment used in TV broadcasting cannot fail as large sporting events attract huge advertising revenues. The HFE series of hot-swap redundant power supplies was recommended by TDK-Lambda…
- What is the no load consumption and efficiency for ZMS100 power supplies?
Power supply energy usage can be specified in a number of ways. TDK-Lambda details in this short video the typical efficiency, the average efficiency and the off-load…
- Roadside Variable Message Signs
Traffic variable message signs are subjected to all the elements of weather. TDK-Lambda’s 50W and 150W HWS-A series of power supplies was selected by one sign manufacturer…
- What are the recommended clearance distances for DRF Din Rail power supplies?
In this one minute video TDK-Lambda gives recommended clearance distances for the DRF series of DIN rail mounted power supplies: To read more about the full range…
- Laser for Medical Device Manufacturing
The use of lasers to machine parts is now a tried and true process. For small precision medical devices like stents, the laser is pulsed to reduce…
- How do I put the DRF Din Rail power supply into standby mode?
TDK-Lambda’s video shows you how to put the DRF DIN Rail power supply into standby mode by utilizing the remote on/off function: To read more about…