What are the current fold-back options?

The desired characteristics of the overcurrent protection may differ between load types or the tests to be performed. For this reason, the Z+ programmable power supply series offers three settings for the current fold-back.
Using the front panel protection menu button “PROT” and the encoders, it can be set to off, CC or CV modes. “Off” allows the output to automatically transition according to the load between constant voltage and constant current and not shutdown. In “fold CC” mode the output will shut down when the power supply transitions from constant voltage to constant current mode, if the load increases above the set current level. In “fold CV” mode, the output will shut down when it transitions from constant current to constant voltage mode, if the load decreases and the output voltage increases.
More information about the Z+ can be found via these links: https://www.emea.lambda.tdk.com/uk/about/local-video/214
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