Accelerator research uses 600V DC-DC converters in HVDC architecture

Particle accelerator research requires complex large scale facilities to perform high-level research. As the cost of designing, building and installing equipment is prohibitive, retrofitting is the preferred way of upgrading these centres to keep them leading-edge.
During a retrofit on one accelerator, researchers asked their local TDK-Lambda salesperson to suggest a suitable 600W product to reduce a 380Vdc input to a regulated 48Vdc. Developed for HVDC (High Voltage Direct Current) system, the full brick, board mount PAF600F-280-48 converter was proposed.
The PAF accepts a 200 to 400Vdc input and can be cooled and mounted to either a heatsink or cold plate. A combination of threaded and non-threaded mounting insert models was designed in.
TDK-Lambda offers a wide range of DC-DC converters for communication and industrial systems. Click here