What functions can I read and write using the GXE600 programmable power supply’s communications interface?

The output voltage and current can be programmed over a wide range on the GXE600 series of single output 600W programmable power supplies – 20% to 100% for the voltage and 20% to 100% for the current.
Full protection parameters and characteristics can also be set. During an overcurrent event, for example, the GXE600 can be programmed to constant current and foldback modes with manual or automatic recovery.
The operating status of the power supply can also be interrogated, including the internal temperature, run time, remaining estimated capacitor life and the alarm history, as well as the output voltage and current.
A downloadable GUI is available in the Technical Downloads section on the GXE600 series product pages.
More information about the key features and specifications are on the GXE600 series datasheet found via this link: www.emea.lambda.tdk.com/gxe600
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