
How can I monitor the status of input voltages for DRM40 DIN rail redundancy modules?

Posted by Martin on May 5, 2020

On the DRM40 series of 20-40A DIN rail redundancy power modules, each input voltage can be monitored visually and remotely.

Two DC OK LEDs display the status of each input and are illuminated if the input is between 10V and 30V. The two isolated DC OK photo MOSFET relays, on the other hand, remain closed when the input is between 10V and 30V.

The LEDs provide a visual indication to a technician as to the status of each of the AC-DC power supplies. In the event a power supply fails, the faulty power supply can be removed and replaced without having to use a voltmeter to determine which unit has failed.

The MOSFET relays are used to provide a remote warning. An alarm can be sent informing the technician that one power supply has failed, and the system is now reliant on just one power supply. Maintenance can then be scheduled to resolve the problem.

More information about the key features and specifications are on the DRM40 datasheet found via this link:

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