Compact programmable power supplies keep fuse box ATE system size to a minimum

To protect wiring and reduce the risks of automobile fires, a complex combination of relays and fuses is used. Thorough production testing of the fuse box is mandatory to determine that the correct fuses have been installed, relays are functioning correctly and components are properly placed and soldered. This has to be completed in the least amount of time.
Requiring a large number of programmable power supplies, the designers of a new fuse box tester turned to TDK-Lambda who recommended a combination of programmable power supplies. Up to thirty 200W and 800W Z+ and seven 1500W Genesys™ power supplies can be installed in each test system. The ability to fit six Z+ modules per 2U high 19” rack allowed the overall system size to be kept to a minimum. Strong technical support and an attractive price-performance ratio was appreciated by the customer.
TDK-Lambda offers a wide range of Programmable Power Supplies for industrial, test and measurement applications.