When to use the GENESYS+™ blank panel option
As standard, the GENESYS+™ programmable power supply series is supplied with a display, two encoders and multiple push buttons on the front panel. This allows the user to visually see what the unit status is, manually adjust the output and access the programming menus.

In some applications, front panel control or monitoring is not always required. For example, when the power supply is in a hard to reach location or where all programming and communication functions are performed using the interfaces. For these situations, the GENESYS+™ series is available with an optional blank front panel (see below).

With this option fitted, all of the GENESYS+™ standard model functions and features are maintained. As the GENESYS+™ display microcontroller is used to monitor the ambient temperature, a simplified circuit board is fitted in its place. This continues to allow the fan speed to be controlled to reduce acoustic noise, increase fan life and the ambient temperature to be read back through the communication interfaces.