Power supply manufacturer employees receive Level 3 ILM Certificates
TDK Corporation is pleased to announce that eight TDK-Lambda UK participants have received their Level 3 ILM Certificates. Following completion of the Management and Leadership development programme and gaining Institute of Leadership & Management Awards in ‘Leadership and Management’, all eight went on to gain certification.

The successful participants were Barry Skene, Sengyim Ng, Stuart Martin, Andrew Mansfield, Giorgio Ponzo, Kevin Tizzard, Daniel Massey and Chris Malvern.
QLM Ltd developed the ILM Award and Certificate programme, and was delivered in conjunction with the Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM) – the UK’s leading provider of leadership and management qualifications. The course gives candidates the skills and knowledge to lead, organise and motivate teams.
“The course gave a real insight into the fundamentals of management, from the importance of motivation, engagement and assertiveness through to the application of well-established theories to optimise efficiency and effectiveness,” said programme participant Barry Skene.
The General Manager at TDK-Lambda UK, Phil Scotcher, is an active supporter of the ILM programme: “I know that all the candidates learnt a lot and put a great deal of hard work and effort into completing the course. I have also seen how previous participants in the programme have benefited by using these extra skills to develop their own abilities and enhance inter-department relationships.”
For more information about TDK-Lambda, please call TDK-Lambda directly on +44 (0)1271 856600 or visit the TDK-Lambda website at: www.emea.lambda.tdk.com/uk
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