Genesys™ 3U 15kW programmable power supply series adds high current 30, 40 and 50V models
TDK Corporation announces the introduction of three new models to TDK-Lambda’s Genesys™ series of programmable DC power supplies . The series is now available with outputs of 30V at 500A, 40V at 375A and 50V at 300A and output powers of 15kW. These higher current units address the requirements for applications in the OEM, Industrial, Aero-space and ATE markets including: Semiconductor and Automotive Test, Component Test/Burn-in and Magnet supplies.

Carrying a 5-year warranty, the TDK-Lambda Genesys™ high current models have the same features and compact dimensions (3U high and 19” (483mm) wide) as the existing 60V to 600V 15kW models. The units can operate in either constant current or constant voltage mode and accept three-phase 400VAC or 480VAC inputs, with passive Power Factor Correc-tion.
Higher power systems can be configured using the Master/Slave “Advanced” Parallel operat-ing mode. This mode configures the Master unit to be the single point for programming, measurement and status of the total current of the paralleled system. Thus, four units can operate as a single 60kW power supply, increasing the flexibility for system designers.
Common to the entire Genesys™ family is the embedded 16-bit RS-232/RS-485 Multi-Drop digital interface. Using this digital interface, up to 31 power supplies may be controlled in a daisy-chain over the RS-485 communication line.
Other optional digital and analog interfaces include the LXI Class C compliant LAN and the IEEE (IEEE488.2 and SCPI-compliant) Multi-Drop digital interfaces, which include a selection of instrument drivers such as NI LabVIEW and NI LabWindows™. Isolated Analog program-ming/monitor interface options included use either 0-5V/0-10V or 4-20mA control.
Common to all Genesys™ models the safety features included are Safe/Auto Re-Start, Last Setting Memory and built-in protective functions. With Safe Start configured, the power supply returns to its last operation settings after a power interruption but with the Output disabled, while with Auto Re-Start, the power supply returns to the last used operation settings after a power interruption. Last Setting Memory retains settings such as the Output volt-age/current, Output ON/OFF, OVP/UVL level, Foldback and Start-Up mode at each AC Input turn-off sequence. Built-in protective functions include over voltage protection (OVP), under voltage limit (UVL), fold-back protection (FOLD) and over-temperature (OTP) protection.
CE marked in accordance with the Low Voltage Directive, the GenesysTM 3U 15kW power supply series conforms to conducted and radiated EMI in accordance with EN55011A and FCC Part 15J-A. Safety agency certifications include UL60950-1 and EN60950-1.