Do power supply manufacturers need to be early adopters replacing IEC 60950-1 and IEC 60065 with the new IEC 62368-1:2014 standard?
The IEC published the 2nd edition of IEC 62368-1 in 2014 and it has now been accepted as a mandatory requirement for CE marking for the Low Voltage Directive. Since Europe’s publication on September 2014, North American based agencies UL and CSA have followed suit and published UL/CSA 62368-1 on December 1st.

This Hazard-Based Safety Engineering (HBSE) standard is intended to replace new submittals for IEC 60950-1 and IEC 60065 as of June 2019. It covers hazard and hazard prevention for both ITE (Information Technology Equipment) and A/V (audio, visual) and other similar apparatus.
IEC 62368-1 is technology independent, whereas IEC 60950-1 and IEC 60065 standards are classed as “prescriptive” and closely control product design. Some of those design rules have been retained, but performance options may give some design flexibility.
The safety compliance industry has made two things clear; it is not a simple merger of 60950-1 and 60065 and although the term “hazard” is used, a formal risk analysis like that defined in the medical standard 60601-1 is not required.
Should the power supply industry start the transition now? The IEC has recognised that a sudden influx of companies requesting testing to the new standard would impose a large burden on test houses and manufacturers alike. Certainly at this early stage it would be wise to attend seminars and training. A date of withdrawal (DOW) for the 60950-1 and 60065 standards has not been announced yet, but a five-year transition to 2019 is expected.
The recommendation is that if a product or series is going to be withdrawn from the markets by 2018, then keep the old standards in place. If it is anticipated that production will continue beyond that, then look into obtaining certification to IEC 62368, but keep the 60950-1 and 60065 files current.